Galerie Michael Haas

Book design

This 96 pages book shows various works by the German artist Frank Gerritz. Published on the occasion of two parallel exhibitions at Galerie Haas Berlin and Kunst Lager Haas. The cover is printed with Pantone silver on black cardboard for maximum similarity between the material of the sculpture and its printed reproduction.

Galerie Michael Haas
Galerie Haas Zürich

Catalogue design, invitation

The paintings of the Berlin artist Reinhard Pods are gestural abstract; layers of paint in intense colors, scribbled lines smeared into streaks, enigmatic graffiti writings and deformed bodies in large format are staggered against dense spaces. The catalog was published on the occasion of the exhibition R. Pods Bilder 1976–2021 with a text by the Swiss curator Gianni Jetzer. The special feature of the catalogue is a fold-out leporello which presents Pods’ painting from 1976 to 2021.

Galerie Michael Haas

Catalogue design

The exhibition and book are titled after an eponymous cycle of work and emphasizes the artist’s two creative poles, the writer and the painter. Sava Sekulić (1902–1989) created thousands of poems, drawings and plays. He learned to read and write as well as to paint and draw himself. Sekulić emphasized this identity as an autodidact in his signature CCC. In the Cyrillic alphabet, it stands for the first letters of his first and last name as well for ‘samouk’ meaning ‘autodidact.’

Galerie Michael Haas
Galerie Haas Zürich

Catalogue design

Martin Assig translates his personal universe of thoughts and observations into colorful, abstract and organic drawings and paintings which are often combined with text. They each revolve around the human body and the being itself. The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Seele. Saal. at Gallery Haas Zurich and brings together among others his drawings from the series Seelen.

Galerie Michael Haas
Galerie Haas Zürich

Catalogue design, invitation

Since the 70ties, Gerd Rohling has been equally devoted to object art and painting. A perfect example is the installation Wasser und Wein at the Venice Biennale in 2001 curated by Harald Szeemann or in the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin (with a transformation of plastic waste into antique glass vessels). Gerd Rohling lives and works in Berlin. His works have been exhibited, mostly in connection with residences at various biennials or in museums around the world like in Italy, Africa, India, Brazil and in Germany. The catalogue shows works from the past 30 years and is published on the occasion of a double show at Gallery Haas Zurich and Berlin. Features a customized typeface.

Award: Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2023 (Best German Book Design 2023), Shortlist

MKM Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst Duisburg

Visual Identity, book design, posters, lettering

500 works on 1100 sqm – The first big retrospective of Martin Assig “Weil ich Mensch bin” in the absolutely stunning MKM Museum Küppersmühle, built by Herzog & de Meuron.

Besides the show’s identity and poster we did the catalogue “Weil ich Mensch bin.” It is published by Schirmer/Mosel and turned out to be an actual artist monograph, grouping works from the last 24 years to thematical clusters such as “Exercises in Wonder,” “Stock Pile. World” or “Aura Authors.” On 312 pages the bilingual, German/English hardcover book contains 236 paintings and drawings as well as essays by Wolfgang Ullrich and Kay Heymer and a conversation between the museum’s director Walter Smerling and the artist.

Museum photography (courtesy by MKM Duisburg) by: Simon Menges (outdoor), Daniel Sadrowski, Martin Assig (indoor)

Award: Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2023 (Best German Book Design 2023), Longlist

Galerie Michael Haas

Book design

Jakob Mattner creates works of light. His artistic goal is the transformation of light between darkness and brightness, the Twilight as one of his most important work series is titled. Large-format light installations fall into a new creative phase and cast vibrating, analogue reflections on a projection foil that look like interstellar nebulae or light reflections of water. The catalogue for the exhibition Second Planet at Galerie Michael Haas shows Mattner’s latest work.